Simple ways to earn money through dropshipping!

Dropshipping is currently in hot trend and a lot of people from different regions are using this opportunity to grow their wealth without doing much of the hard work. It is easy to implement, as we don't have to buy the products and set up an inventory to store them. We can simply bring customers through digital marketing and connect them to the actual supplier. Here is how we too can earn tons of money through dropshipping-

Build a platform: Here we build an e-commerce website in simple steps and then add a few products there. For building the website, we need not write the code ourselves. Instead, we can use different free platforms like Shopify to create our own e-commerce website. Website should be simple yet eye-catching. We can further customize the website through multiple options listed in the platform itself.

Chose a product to sell: It is the most important part in the whole process. Find a product which can be sold with a good profit margin. The product should be not generic or something which can be ordered easily from amazon or flipkart. It should be a hard-to-find product which we can easily get from our supplier and ship them to our customers. We can search for the best products in trend for dropshipping through any article or a YouTube video.

Find a supplier: Next step is finding a seller who can supply the products on demand directly to the customers. Supplier should be reliable and should have a fast-shipping facility which can be around 1-2 weeks at max depending on the location to be shipped. Two good bulk supplier platforms in India are Wholesaledock and Deodap where you can get home-decor products, electronic gadgets etc. to sell in bulk. 

Advertise your product/service: To bring the traffic on our website, we need to popularize the product through different social media platforms. This can be done by running google or facebook ads. In case, we have an Instagram page or channel with big chunk of followers, we can post the product and the website link there as well. Or else, we can connect to any social media influencer with a decent number of followers and ask them to promote our product by paying them some money.

Decide your margin: After we calculate all the expenses, we set up a selling cost by adding our profit margins on the product. Keep in mind that the product price should not be very high so that we find a decent number of people interested in buying the product.

Happy reading! Please leave a comment if you found it useful. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


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